Easy & better elder care

Easy Care is on a mission to release time spend on administration and create better care for our elderly people in nursing homes



Foundation of Easy Care

The foundation of Easy Care took place in 2019, after having seen public cases of mistreatment at Danish care homes and speaking to relatives working in care homes and home care sector in Denmark, I needed to create a relief to both care takers and residents.

My first impression was that if I was going to be old in a care home or taken care of in the home care sector I needed a solution that could help the caretakers release time from their administration tasks and gain the same caretakers time to really care for the elderly residents both on the care homes and in the homecare.

Since then, I and my cofounders have spent hours with software developers and representatives from the caretaker sector to develop a solution which will bring release into both caretaker’s work and the resident’s quality of life. The idea and concept of Easy-Care was created.

What will Easy Care provide caretakers & care home residents?

Easy Care eases the administrational burden that is mandatory for caretakers by simplifying the registration process for the daily tasks completed.

Release time from the administrational burden

Easy and secure medication of the elderly care home residents

Simplify the registration process for the daily tasks for the elderly citizens

Bring AI and Machine learning into the registration tool and further simplify the administration process

Make the elderly residents feel like they are being taking better care of

Bring caretaking time back in the elderly care sector



Let's take better care of our elders

Easy Care delivers a front-end mobile application that secure the individual caretaker an easy and secure way of handling caretaking.

The back-end system is compatible with existing systems in the healthcare business and addresses the tasks provided by caretakers on the individual residents into the national health care system.

Why Easy Care?

My father aged eighty-eight needs home care for cleaning and clothing. The caretaker arriving was not able to communicate in a local language. If the caretaker had a mobile device with an Easy Care app, she could have turned the mobile device over to my father and let him point on what pictogram he needed help with for cleaning and clothing.

Mikael Thorsen

If we had had the mobile device with Easy Care app on during my time in the municipality homecare, we would have been able to save administration time and have more time for caretaking.

Lise Lykke
Former team leader in the public homecare